Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Thoughts on sex and peace

The inflammatory word that will cause division, confusion outrage and defensive overreaction. SEX!

That was the first word in the title of the book I carried from the opp shop. The book 2 of the 4 old ladies sitting around at the church cafe were curious about while I politely greeted them on my way out. 
"What's that book you've got there?" One asked.

I raised the cover for her to see.
SEX & World Peace

The other two ladies looked up, they all looked at each other, then at me as if I were some kind of deviant pervert. Horror draining the colour from their faces.

"Oh" one said, while glaring at me in disbelief. 

I'd always enjoyed a pretty good rapport with two members of this little group. Chatted with them about making jam, poetry etc... I thought they might even have some of the bohemian spirit. Well I may have misjudged their open mindedness a tad. They were not impressed. 

It's funny the impact one little word can make.

They didn't ask any more questions, they'd already decided. And so the indoctrinated oppressed carry the banner of their masters. The patriarchy has many allies. 

Now I can't say for sure that this academic book that advocates for the emancipation and security of women isn't influenced by the social mindset (or the Metric as my mate James would call it) but the title got my attention and the content was far from advocating some kind of age of Aquarius love in. The book points out that there's a correlation between security and well-being of women as a direct contributing factor in the security and well-being of nation states, countries and regions. 

This is not a new theory but something I've been contemplating regularly in my daily life on a personal level. In our fight for refugee rights our local advocacy group has often used the phrase:
"Until we are all free
None of us are free"

I believe this is a universal statement it has influenced my thinking on all justice issues for a long time. 

Where my mind is at now though. As I do my shopping, when I watch a film or listen to the radio I wonder:
To what extent have we truly realized this principle when it comes to women in our society and the world in general?

How much of their natural power does society allow women?

How do we consciously or subconsciously try to inhibit women from realizing their potential, or their God given gifts?

How often do women self regulate to avoid harming the sensitive egos of Men? 

How are women complicit in the suppression of women? 

How complicit am I? 
How do I recognize my programming?

Does my ego feel threatened by the power of a truly liberated woman?

How does society ultimately deal with these questions?

The book doesn't answer these questions but it does provide some good suggestions on how gender imbalances develop and grow in western society with some interesting  observations about male bonding and exclusion, objectification and vilification of women.

The book contains statistical evidence to support the idea that by stifling women's natural strengths we strangle any hope of living in a truly enlightened and wonderful world.

It's funny how things will turn up when you are ready for them. My mind has been skirting this topic for some time. My disillusionment with society has often been confronted by the image of some woman who has put herself on the line to fight for what is right. It has happened time and time again. I see the enormous obstacles put in their way and they march straight through. I am in awe of this strength and know that if there is any hope for a future it can only come after the fall of a male dominated society.

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