Tuesday, October 01, 2019

In the Devil's hand

A thought for further investigation.

The King James Bible of 1631 known as the 'Wicked' or 'Sinner's' Bible, contains a couple of interesting misprints.
In Exodus 20:14 it is written:  "Thou shalt commit adultery". 

And in Deuteronomy 5:24, it is written: “And ye said, Behold, the LORD our God hath shewed us his glory and his great-asse,”   

After being introduced to the character Titivillus in an episode of the Allusionist Podcast it occurred to me. Those literalist religious zealots who are constantly banging on about The Bible being "The Word of God", really are wrong.

If you've never heard of Titivillus you might be fascinated as I was that he is a demon sent by the Devil to introduce errors into the work of scribes... (and capture gossip from the mouths of gossips to be tallied against them as they proceed to the next world). 

So having heard about this fascinating character and his likely input to the 'Wicked' bible it occurred to me that no bible can be considered completely free of his handiwork. After all he is a demon and it is his mission to lead scribes astray... There could very well be other additions or omissions that he has had his hand in and what about all the translations of the bible, each word a delicate process of verbal divination. 

I came to realize that it would be dangerous to hold any bible up as being the absolute 'Word of God'. In fact to do so could actually be the Devil's work itself. All writings should be scrutinized and carefully weighed up to the virtues of our better senses, discussed, debated and considered. 

We should never assume that anything we have had a hand in, the devil has not. 

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