Saturday, February 03, 2007

Moderate Themes

Last night Sam and I watched the Al Gore film An Inconvenient Truth. What an appropriate title! The lengths we will go to in order to deny the fundamental truths that surround us is unfathomable! I will allow myself one pessimistic and ironic observation regarding the undeniable message within this film. The apathy that still exists in relation to this matter was symbolized by the government rating on front of the box which read: PG Moderate Themes.

I have been re-assessing my attitude lately having read my instruction manual for life that reminds me that cynicism is not a luxury I can afford and does not facilitate better understanding between me and my fellows. I'm afraid this may be true. But what is there left for those whose eyes have been open and have seen the writing on the wall for so long?
Is it possible to not be cynical when the obvious has been denied for so long.

What factory would punish a machinist for identifying a faulty mechanism that, if not repaired would lead to a halt in production? If the foreman of the factory suggested innovations that would considerably improve the companies long term productivity he would be considered a valuable employee. Or if a consultant identified assets that would enable the company to diversify in the future surely she would be rewarded!
If we think of human society as a company of firm and the ecology of the planet as the machine or natural resource management as the innovations that may prolong our activities then surely we should value the warnings or advise from the professional people who work in the field our scientists and ecologists. Even the sometimes emotive views of environmentalists would be valued.

The film was very disturbing and indicated urgent facts that must be addressed immediately, well actually they should probably have been addressed years ago but the sad fact is that no one wanted to know!
What will be changed now? Which of our leaders actually have the strength to stand up and make a decision that may save future generations?
We constantly hear arguments why it is not in our best interest to act now, most of them financial or simply a cop out by saying "Well if they're not doing it then we aren't either!" It seems a bit like listening to someone who has argued that the world is flat rather than a globe who has then been shown an image of the earth from space and so changes his argument to: "well the world is kind of circle shaped but that doesn't meant it's not flat!" Or something like that, I dunno it just came to me that way anyway the point is that surly the time for action is now and the people to do it are us! I want my daughter to see snow! I want her to be able to drink clear cool water from a stream and stuff like that!

What future is there if our leaders are so short sighted? Who will take responsibility for making the changes that may save future generations?
In light of the most recent scientific reports that announce global warming of several degrees to be unstoppable for 100's of years into the future, surely not making these changes today can be considered no less than 'ecocide' on the grandest scale! Some might say that we are already committing this without taking the effects of global warming into consideration.

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