Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is it? A beautiful World...

This tune just came into my head and wouldn't leave...

So I searched the net and found it and now if you like you can watch it! I hope DEVO don't mind...
DEVO Nailed it!

Today I sat in Church and listened to some kind of rendered version of the Noah and his Arc story... All cooled up and translated into contemporary theatrical translation...
I've never liked being presented with this story by people who think of it as a factual account of something that actually happened... But now I've discovered something even less palatable. Being delivered the story without the mystical conversations with the big 'G' and then attempting to rationalize how Noah realized the flood was coming is just plain crazy making! Why alter the narrative like that? It doesn't make any sense! If you're trying to make the story more credible by omitting conversations with the almighty and replacing that with logical explanations for the flood you're barking up the wrong tree! Stop doing that! It works much better as an improbable metaphor! A Mythical tale... Damn!

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