Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Pretty Birds

There's a tree on the CDU campus that is a great hit with all the nectar eating birds! I don't know what it is but it has been absolutely covered in birds. On Monday I counted 7 species in less than 5 minutes! These included: Spangled Drongo, White Gaped Honeyeater, Rufus Banded Honeyeater, Little Friarbird, Silver Crowned Friar bird, Red-collared Lorikeet and the Varied Lorikeet.
I went out there with Stephen Barnett (Librarian/Photography enthusiast/Fellow Blogger) who brought his camera with a 400mm Zoom lens he was trying out and we took some photos.
I am particularly fond of the Varied Lorikeets. They are smaller quieter and less common that the noisy and agressive Red-collared ones. I've added some photos.

Varied Lorikeet

Varied Lorikeet 2

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